University of Leeds
The University of Leeds is acclaimed world-wide for the quality of its teaching and research, and continues to be ranked within the top 100 universities in the QS world rankings. Leeds is one of the largest universities in the UK with an annual income of €649m and over 33,000 students (over 6870 from overseas) and approximately 7,540 staff of 99 different nationalities, attached to 560 different undergraduate and 300 postgraduate degree programmes. In 2010/11 its annual research income exceeded €157 m of which 7.9% was derived from EU awards. The University of Leeds is currently successfully co-ordinating 82 FP7 projects and is a partner in a further 116 FP7 projects. A further 30 FP7 grants are under negotiation; 10 of which are co-ordinated by Leeds. It has hosted/is currently hosting 43 Marie Curie Individual Fellowships and Integration Grants and is currently co-ordinating 8 FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training networks and is a partner in a further 13. Leeds total income from FP7 is in excess of €84m with a further €16.5m under negotiation. Under FP6 Leeds was involved in over 200 funded projects that were awarded research income of over €60m. The University of Leeds therefore has a very successful track record of managing both individual fellowships and large international projects and of hosting visiting researchers of all career stages for both training and knowledge transfer purposes.
White Loop Limited
We offer intelligence and insight, research and engagement, funding expertise and strategic consultancy. We are based in London but have an international focus and a global network. We help create value and impact for businesses, educators, policy makers and, ultimately, learners.