Mrs Neviana Boumbarova Bulgaria


TEAM INTELLECT – Neviana Boumbarova (lone entrepreneur) was established in 1992 at Sofia, Bulgaria, to develop electronic products that require innovative approach. The Information & Communication Technology was discovered as a perspective field to put efforts in it. The company is wholly Bulgarian and independent. Mrs. Neviana Boumbarova is the Manager / Owner of the company.


R&D of electronic products under custom’s requirements

- Hardware, Firmware, PC Software

-  Prototypes manufacturing

- Preparing for mass production, Costs Optimization

-  Systems Integration

Industrial design:

-  Product’s Design – Shape & Color Design, Packaging Design

-  Environment design – working environment, places for elder people or for people with special needs, children with disabilities


Product management / Project Management

Technical Documentation Writing

Workshops Organization

Staff Training



Electronic Modules for RFID Identification and Door Control

Electronic Modules for GSM Communication in Lifts

Systems for Process Automation (water, energy, construction, oil&gas platforms, hydraulic products, plants for different kind of products)

Software -Custumized Data Base Management

Algorithms - Image Processing, Face Recognition, Eyes Control

Organisation Type
LinkedIn logo Manager 

Dr Ieva Brence Latvia

Dr Ieva Brence
Latvian Academy of Sciences
LinkedIn logo Project coordinator 
Area of Interest

Professor Halil Ibrahim BULBUL Turkey

Gazi University one of the big universities in Turkey. It has more than 70 thousand students and 5 thousand including academic personnel and staff.

In Gazi University some national projects are implemented individually in preferential areas and there are research laboratories depending on the size and area of the projects. Moreover, research centres carry out studies related to their fields. Gazi University opened Semiconductor Technologies Advanced Research Laboratory (STARLAB) with the support of State Planning Organisation (DPT) in 2005.

Individual and team projects are implemented completely by the project coordinators with support of The scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK). Within the university national and FP6 and FP7 projects carried out on behalf of the university.

Organisation Type
Professor Halil Ibrahim BULBUL
Gazi University
Associate Professor 
Area of Interest