Professor Radu ANDREI Romania





Curriculum vitae

Position  in the project   : Professor of Transportation Engineering -Building  Social &Engineering Ontologies /Innovation Social & Self-Awareness Technologies/  Adviser 


Contact details:


Bvd. Independentei nr 21, Bloc b1-5, Sc-4, Et-3, Ap-6

Iasi , Code :700105


Tel : 40-723-858-080



Technical University “Gh. Asachi” Iasi

Faculty of Civil Engineering

43 Professor Dimitrie  Mangeron  Street

IASI , Code: 700075


Tel.+ 40-723-858-080




1.      Family name:      ANDREI

2.      First names:       RADU

3.      Date of birth:      13.01. 1944

4.      Nationality:         ROMANIAN

5.      Civil status:        Married

6.      Education:         

Institution [ Date from - Date to ]

Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:

Technical University”Gh. Asachi” Iasi- Romania - January 1990- November  1995

PhD in Civil Engineering

Technical University for Constructions  Bucharest, 1973

MSc in Road Traffic Engineering and Motorways

Technical University for Constructions  Bucharest  Romania - October 1961-March 1967

Diplomat  Road and Bridge Engineer 





Additional Education/trainings:

Institution [ Date from - Date to ]


National  Academy of Sciences /  NAS;American Association for  Highway and Transportation Officials AASHTO/Federal  Highway Administration

 FHWA, USA [1992…1993]

 “ Diploma  in Recognition  of Dedicated  Service and Significant Contribution Brought to the Development of the Strategic Highway Research Program –SHRP “


World Bank, Washington D.C. January-June  1993

Certificate/  on World Bank  Procurement Policies

Westfield College /University of London , UK [1977]

Diploma on English for  Business




7.       Language skills:  Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - basic; 5 - excellent)

























8.      Membership of professional bodies:

*  1995…2002 : Forum of European Highway Research Laboratories - FEHRL :  Romanian  representative, Member of the   Board of Directors


*  Since 1995 : Certified as   National Expert in  Transport  Infrastructure Engineering  by the Ministry of Public Works , in Romania


*  1997…2000:   Transport Research Board/ TRB/ DWAG : Data analysis Working Group , Washington  D.C. USA, Member of  the Steering Committee , ( First  TRB Mandate)


* 2000…2003: Transport Research Board/ TRB/ DWAG : Data analysis Working Group , Washington  D.C. USA, Member of  the Steering Committee ,   (Second  TRB Mandate);


* 2003…2006: Transport Research Board/ TRB/ DWAG : Data analysis Working Group , Washington  D.C. USA, Member of  the Steering Committee , ( Third  TRB  Mandate) ;


* 2003-2006  : Romanian  Professional  Association for Roads  & Bridges  Member of the Steering Committee


* 2003…2009:  International Association for  Rehabilitation of  Transport Infrastructures – ISMARTI  : Founding member 


* 2003…2007 : Permanent  Association of Road Congresses-PIARC-  Representative of Romania and member of the  Technical Committee TC 4,5 ; Earthworks, drainage and  sub grades


*2006…2010  European Science Foundation ESF/ COST Office, Brussels, Belgium, / Domain Committee DC- TUD : Transport  & Urban Development :  Romanian representative and  member of DC-TUD


* 2007-2011 Romanian  Représentative and Membre of the  PIARC Technical Committee TC3 : Management of risk  in  transport infrastructure


* 2012…2015 Romanian  Representative and Member of the  PIARC Technical Committee D4.2, Road pavements


9.      Other skills:  (e.g. Computer literacy, etc.)

   Good proficiency in the use of   computer  programs: Word, Excel, Power Point, KENSLAB, KENPAVE, ME-PDG, etc

10.              Present position: Professor of Highway   Engineering &  Founder of the Research Centre          for Geotechnics, Foundations and Modern Transportation Infrastructure “ Dimitrie Atanasiu” Technical University “ Gh. Asachi” Iasi , Romania

11.               Years within the firm:15                

12.   Key qualifications:  (Relevant to the assignment)


·         Extensive project management experience in and outside the EU; Experience in co-coordinating multidisciplinary  and multicultural  project teams, as  UN Expert for Trans-European North-South Motorway-TEM project,  director of EU  educational or   research grants ( Leonardo projects),  Team Leader in ongoing  STREP EU Research projects ( Ecolanes) or Team Member ( Asset Roads,  etc)

·         External International  Expert of  Trans-European  Transport Network –Executive Agency :TEN-EA in Brussels for  independent evaluation of  road & motorway  projects , submitted by applicants  in the frame of the 2009 TEN-T Calls for Proposals – CONTRACT  NUMBER CTR-090520-TEA.Road-178-5

Trans –European Transport Network Executive Agency ( TEN-EA)

Square Frere Orban 10, B-1049 Brussels, BELGIUM


·         Technical  Adviser  for  the County Council  of IASI  for the Bidding  Commission  for awarding the  road   rehabilitation  projects DJ 248 Iasi-Vaslui   & DJ Neamt-Pascani-Suceava , year 2009/2010

·         Knowledge of Life  Cycle Cost  Assessment for roads  ,  World Bank & EU procurement contracting procedures and project proposal evaluation, Terms of Reference writing and Grant Scheme management

·         General subject-areas of expertise: Ontologies for  Civil Engineering, Social Ontologies for Communication,  Ontology & Communication Technics / Master Course, Land Transportation  Engineering Studies,  Road Engineering Technologies,  Geometric and Structural Design for Roads & Bridges,  Management of  Transport Infrastructure, Design of  Special Transportation Structures, Pavement  Management Systems- PMS, Bridge Management Systems-BMS,  Integrated  PMS/BMS Systems

·         Relevant expertise in developing and implementing Pavement Management  Systems, Bridge Management Systems and Integrated PMS/BMS systems  at  national level in the frame of European  funded  AMTRANS programs  in Romania

·         Trainer in Grant Scheme Management; trainer in WB and EU procurement rules and contracting procedures

·         Experience in designing and  setting up Regional and National  Road Laboratories,   Transport  Infrastructure Research Centers  (NRA CESTRIN, etc) and  other research facilities ( Research Centre CCGOFIMIT  -Technical University of  Iasi, etc)f /training programmes for governmental bodies and NGOs

·         Accredited Rapporteur , by ESF/Brussels COST Office  for the  ongoing  European research projects COST 350, COST 352, COST 356, COST C19


Professor Radu ANDREI
Inventics and innovative adviser 
Area of Interest

Ms Mara Diaconu Romania

TeamNet profile and competence

 TeamNet International was established in 2001 and is member of the ASESOFT group. With offices in Bucharest, Iasi, Timisoara, Ploiesti and international locations in Brussels and Chisinau, TeamNet International comes to meet the needs of all its worldwide customers, regardless of their location. TeamNet has also partner locations in Belgrade and Ankara.  We are also a Research – Development Unit accredited in 2008 by the National Authority for Scientific Research. 

We are a complex organization with expert teams proficient in various types of assignments and is constantly investing in innovation and is bringing to the market innovative products as a result of its constant desire of being always aware of the latest technologies and to offer the best current solution. The TeamNet team holds over 1000 certifications.

 European Experience:

TeamNet International is among the few private companies in Romania that have been involved in cutting-edge research within the European Commission's 6th Framework Program. Through the Coopers project, coordinated by AustriaTech, we aimed the implementation of various measures in order to enhance traffic safety at European levels. Currently, TeamNet International implements an innovative project in order to develop a Cloud Computing platform. The purpose of the project is the knowledge development for both fundamental and as well as advanced research, thus increasing the performance of IT services. TeamNet International is also active in FP 7 research European projects. The AMITRAN project will develop a framework for the evaluation of ICT measures in transport on energy efficiency. By doing so, it will contribute to the development of ICT solutions that allow more efficient (multimodal) goods transport and passenger mobility, thus reducing CO2 emissions in transport.


TeamNet provides complex integrated solutions which are fully customizable depending on the customer requirements. We offer complete integration solutions. The area of solutions covers a variety of activities, such as: Complete and complex informational solutions implementation (software, hardware, communication); Software solutions development and implementation; Personnel training and certifications; Warranty, maintenance and post-implementation support; Professional Project Management Services; Consultancy in order to obtain financing.

Experience  in developing integrated IT systems:Complex databases; Maximum data security; Flexible reporting in various formats; Complex communication systems linking individual beneficiaries through a secure platform, ensuring their efficient interconnection; Data accessibility to population by ensuring the transparency of processes and their alignment with the EU legislation; E-learning systems; Cloud computing, GIS analysis, GPS Tracking systems of the mobile units.

 Our projects and competence in the Security area:

EMERGENCY Calls - Integrated system for emergency service

Beneficiary: The Dolj Emergency Situations County Inspectorate              

Purpose: Providing the necessary solution for an emergency service in order to raise the response capacity to all persons in danger, anywhere within the Romanian territory.

Some of the system competence: Coordinates the operations for the operational teams (police, fire-fighters, ambulance, search and rescue teams),Provides information on the spot: topographical maps, surface maps, aerial and satellite images, vector maps, search algorithms, etc.; Complete geo-referenced solution, integrated with mobile units tracking GPS systems.

 SIRENE -Integrated Information System for the exchange of information regarding the battle against trans-border criminality

Beneficiary: Ministry of Administration and Interior Affaires, The International Police Cooperation Center

Purpose: To develop a consultancy and analysis project in order to create the SIRENE application and to technically endow the SIRENE Office, likewise auditing the entire implementation procedure.

Some of the system competence: Internal Portal – a centralized point of access for all users to the SIRENE integrated system;Documents management system – Managing additional information regarding alerts: folders, documents, internal notifications, workflows management. National Forms – Web-based application through which the national institutions can fill-in online national forms;Timesheets – In order to ensure the operational coordination of the SIRENE Offices personnel, this module manages working hours thus ensuring the availability of the personnel to fulfil their tasks; Work instruction management – The subsystem will allow the management of SIRENE specific work procedures, including the SIRENE manual, the national and international legislation, the news and the necessary contacts; Reports and statistics; Integration – The integration module manages the communication between the SIRENE and SINS systems and the national systems.

 VISA- National Integrated System for Visa

Beneficiary: Romanian Foreign Affairs Ministry 

Purpose: The alignment of Romania to the Schengen visa policy acquis and the preparation for the improvement of the national visa applications processing system for the compliance with the European Union Visa Information System (VIS).

The system covers three major areas: The visa information management system; The hardware infrastructure required to support the IT system; The services provided to the beneficiaries in order to achieve optimal results from the system implementation.

Services provided: Back-office software support infrastructure allows the operation of the system in a multi-user environment and within a network; Complete server hardware architecture allows the operation of the system software architecture; Hardware infrastructure components for the consulates; Training the trainers, the end users and the administrators, including through the use of an eLearning portal;

 CRIMINAL DATA ANALYSIS IT SYSTEM – Management of commercial and investigation information

Beneficiary: Ministry of Justice, The Organized Crime and Terrorism Investigation Department

Purpose: The development of an IT system used for the management of commercial and investigation information outside the responsibility area of the Organized Crime and Terrorism Investigation Department. 

System competence: Design/administration of the specific analysis database; Design/administration of the connections with external databases, other than the analysis database; The acquisition, structuring and storage of data from various external file formats in the analysis database; Visual analysis tool; Generation of relational maps; Using the ad-hoc data; Viewing the results of the analysis (viewing the relational maps) required for the results dissemination process.

MONEY LAUNDERING PREVENTION - Integrated system for fraud prevention

Beneficiary: Ministry of Justice, The National Office for the Prevention and Fight against Money Laundering,

Purpose: A solution created in order to answer the needs in the field of combating money laundering and terrorism acts. It is a state of the art system which ensures the employees of the law departments the instruments required for optimizing the process for preventing infractions and crimes.

System competence: Financial analysis workflows, covering the entire evolution cycle for a case; Disseminating the cases to the responsible authorities (PICCJ, SRI, IGPR);Monitoring the evolution of cases through reporting and logging tools; Increasing the efficiency of the Information Analysis and Processing Department workflows.


Beneficiary: The Romanian Naval Authority

Purpose: Developing a vessel traffic monitoring and information system established to enhancing the safety and efficiency of maritime traffic, improving the response of authorities to incidents, accidents or potentially dangerous situations at sea.

Some of the system competence: Ship Notification: This is used to provide SafeSeaNet with details of a ship's positioning, voyage and cargo information. Notifications are based on Automatic Identification System (AIS) messages sent automatically by the ships through very high frequency (VHF) radio signals, and received by coastal stations within range. Information includes ship identification, course, speed, and cargo. PortPlus Notification: This is used to notify SafeSeaNet that a specific vessel is bound for a particular port. The following information is recorded. Actual Time of Arrival and Departure (ATA/ATD) are highly important for the system to be able to calculate the fair share or the amount of inspections that each MS has to conduct. Hazmat Information is used to notify SafeSeaNet that a given vessel carries hazardous materials - dangerous or polluting goods - on board, and that the data provider has detailed information on these goods. Incident Report: This is used to notify SafeSeaNet on a specific incident. Incidents might be related to ship safety and seaworthiness (e.g. collisions), the environment (e.g. pollution incidents), or other pre-defined categories (e.g. banned ships, ships not reporting according to rules). GIS-Offers real time images of the maritime vessels positions within the Romanian territorial waters

Organisation Type
LinkedIn logo European Affairs Advisor 

Dr Stefan Daniel Dumitrescu Romania

The Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence "Mihai Drăgănescu" has been established in 1994 to be a competence centre, active disseminator of knowledge. It has a core of permanent staff (22 researchers, 3 of them Members of the Romanian Academy; 5 associated members from abroad) and a variable number of temporary (contract-based) collaborators, mainly MSc. or PhD. students.

The Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence "Mihai Drăgănescu" is member of the European Network of Excellence in Human Language Technologies.

Each year, since its foundation, it was rated highest (“Excellency institution”) within the Romanian Academy yearly evaluation procedure. In 2001 it won the competition for Centres of Excellency (in Information Science and Technology) organized by the Ministry of Education and Science. In 2002 it was rated as the best research institute of the Romanian Academy (from 60 institutes and centres). In 2008 ICIA was acreditated as a research institution, as a component unit of the Research System of National Interest in conformity with HG no. 551/2007.

The main research projects of the Institute are in the areas of natural language processing, machine learning and knowledge acquisitioncomputer-aided instruction and structural-phenomenological modelling. The activities of the Institute also include know-how dissemination, education in artificial intelligence, and organisation of national and international conferences, summer schools, and seminars.

The Institute has several cooperation relations with Universities, research institutions and industrial partners from more than 20 countries from Europe and USA.

Organisation Type
Dr Stefan Daniel Dumitrescu
Area of Interest

Dr Elena Nechita Romania

“Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău is a medium sized public university, located in Bacău, the capital of Bacău County, in the North-East region of Romania. Since 1961, the university has progressively developed and carried on a tradition in the fields of education and research. With over 6,000 students and about 250 academic staff, the University is now structured as follows: five faculties (Engineering, Letters, Sciences, Economic Sciences, and Faculty of Movement, Sports and Health Sciences), five departments (Teacher Training, Professional Counselling, Technological Transfer, Innovation and Artistic Creation, Distance Learning, and Management), Office of International Relations and Community Programmes.

“Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău has been certified in the Quality Management System for bachelor, master, and doctoral education, for scientific research, technological transfer and counselling since 2007. Since December 2010, the Integrated Management System was certified as follows:  SR EN ISO 9001:2008, SR EN ISO 14001:2005, SR OH SAS 18001:2008 and SA 8000.

Organisation Type
Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacau
Associate Professor 
Area of Interest

Professor Dan Tufis Romania

The Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence "Mihai Drăgănescu" has been established in 1994 to be a competence centre, active disseminator of knowledge. It has a core of permanent staff (22 researchers, 3 of them Members of the Romanian Academy; 5 associated members from abroad) and a variable number of temporary (contract-based) collaborators, mainly MSc. or PhD. students.

The Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence "Mihai Drăgănescu" is member of the European Network of Excellence in Human Language Technologies.

Each year, since its foundation, it was rated highest (“Excellency institution”) within the Romanian Academy yearly evaluation procedure. In 2001 it won the competition for Centres of Excellency (in Information Science and Technology) organized by the Ministry of Education and Science. In 2002 it was rated as the best research institute of the Romanian Academy (from 60 institutes and centres). In 2008 ICIA was acreditated as a research institution, as a component unit of the Research System of National Interest in conformity with HG no. 551/2007.

The main research projects of the Institute are in the areas of natural language processing, machine learning and knowledge acquisitioncomputer-aided instruction and structural-phenomenological modelling. The activities of the Institute also include know-how dissemination, education in artificial intelligence, and organisation of national and international conferences, summer schools, and seminars.

The Institute has several cooperation relations with Universities, research institutions and industrial partners from more than 20 countries from Europe and USA.

Organisation Type
Area of Interest