Mr Faysal Basci
LNL Technology is a high tech SME based in Ankara Turkey. LNL's main ine of business is in Smart Spaces and Machine To Machine communication. We develop technology for smart sensors, smart actuators, mobile computing and machine to machine interaction. Our main products which are commercially available are smart sensors, actuators and gateways for environmental, agricultural monitoring, smart building, smart cities, energy applications and security.
LNL is actively committed to multi-party and multinational research projects and have completed several research projects resylts of which have been or are being commercialized. Currently, LNL is partner of 2 FP7 and 2 ITEA2/UEREKA projects.
We are mainly interested in cooperating for FP7 projects under security we can contribute in sensing, sensor data fusion, social sensors, smart infrastructures, smart grids, future internet, M2M networks and trust in M2M networks.
LNL Technology
Dir. Of Product DevelopmentProfessor Halil Ibrahim BULBUL
Gazi University one of the big universities in Turkey. It has more than 70 thousand students and 5 thousand including academic personnel and staff.
In Gazi University some national projects are implemented individually in preferential areas and there are research laboratories depending on the size and area of the projects. Moreover, research centres carry out studies related to their fields. Gazi University opened Semiconductor Technologies Advanced Research Laboratory (STARLAB) with the support of State Planning Organisation (DPT) in 2005.
Individual and team projects are implemented completely by the project coordinators with support of The scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK). Within the university national and FP6 and FP7 projects carried out on behalf of the university.
Gazi University
Associate ProfessorMiss Azer Cakiroglu
METU Technopolis (METUTECH) is the first, most innovative, and the largest science park in Turkey. It supports the creation of synergy between industry, university and public institutions through infrastructural/structural opportunities developed for academicians, researchers and companies using/producing technology. Combining METU’s (Middle East Technical University) research capacity and information pool with the innovative capacity of entrepreneurs, METUTECH has created a momentum in Turkey’s technology accumulation; it has become a successful model with its management experiences and projects for the formation of both the legal frame and the development of other science parks in Turkey.
METUTECH has reached to a scale of 282 firms, %89 of which are SME’s, employing more than 3750 personnel and carrying out R&D activities in a 87.000 m2 enclosed area, in a 10 years period with only using its own resources. METUTECH aims to become one of the world’s leading technology development regions in 10 years time.