Dr Marina Martinez Belgium

Organisation Type
Programme Officer 
Area of Interest

Mrs Anne-Sophie Parent Belgium

Organisation Type
AGE Platform Europe
Secretary General 
Area of Interest

Dr Emanuele Pasqualotto Belgium

Organisation Type
Université Catholique de Louvain
Research Fellow 
Area of Interest

Milena Patuelli Belgium

Organisation Type
LinkedIn logo
Area of Interest

Mr Andrew Proudlove Belgium

IB Consultancy is a consultancy company with offices in Brussels and Singapore. Our main ambition is to make this world a safer and more secure place. To achieve this, we provide Defence and Security solutions to governments, and trade & industry. Our solutions are always fully tailored to your requirements to help you reach your objectives.

Organisation Type
Senior Consultant 
Area of Interest

Mr Serge Renneboog Belgium

Organisation Type
Octopux Consulting
Financial Director 

Mr Dusan Sandor Belgium

Organisation Type
Perm.Repr.of Slovak Rep.to EU
Area of Interest

Dr Monique Septon Belgium

Organisation Type
FUnd for Scientific Research-FNRS
Senior Policy Officer 

Katerina Slavikova Belgium

Organisation Type
Czech Liaison Office for R&D

Mr Kristof Vlaeminck Belgium

Organisation Type
Belgian Science Policy Office
National Contact Point 
Area of Interest