Mr Declan Kirrane Belgium

Organisation Type
ISC Intelligence in Science
Managing Director 

Mr Paul Kompfner Belgium

ERTICO is the network of Intelligent Transport Systems and Services stakeholders in Europe.  We connect public authorities, industry players, infrastructure operators, users, national ITS associations and other organisations together.

For our current activities, visit the link below:

Head of Sector 
Area of Interest

Miss Irena Křemenová Belgium

CZELO (Czech Liaison Office for Research and Development)

Miss Karolina Krzastek Belgium

Organisation Type
ISC Intelligence in Science
Area of Interest

Ms Florence Legein Belgium

Organisation Type
FL Consult
Area of Interest

Ms Wiame Legsai Belgium

Organisation Type
Northrop Grumman ESI
Area of Interest

Dr Nicolas Lewyckyj Belgium

Project Manager 
Area of Interest

Mr Johan Leymann Belgium

Organisation Type
North Sweden European Office
Area of Interest

Ms Els Librecht Belgium

Organisation Type
FL Consult
Area of Interest

Ms Maisa Mahmutovic Belgium

Organisation Type
Danish EU Research Liaison Office (DANRO
EU Liaison Officer